A Pensioner’s Perspective – Marion’s latest news

Life is continuing all over the world but in a very different way from what we were used to. As some countries begin to reduce the Lockdown measures slightly we are all looking forward to the “New normal”.  I’m not sure if we will ever get back to what we had before but I hope the changes we make will make us better people and appreciate that the little things made the largest difference.

Marion has certainly been noticing the “little things”. Here’s her latest update

“Our local bakery in the village, which also sells roast ham, turkey, beef, cheese, cakes and pies as well as wraps and sandwiches, (hot or cold, with or without salad,) are now also selling vegetables and fruit.  As it is almost impossible to order groceries online at the moment, they have now started doing a delivery service. I have rung them this morning and tomorrow they will deliver my order.  I will leave the money in my porch and they will leave my order, how amazing is that!

It is another lovely day here, which is quite hard to believe, and I just wish it would last for a couple of months, as it makes being in ‘lock-down’ much easier as I can enjoy being in my garden.  The avenue is really quiet and apart from seeing one or two people in their gardens and having a walk in the countryside (we are allowed out for short walks, keeping our distance of course), life here seems really quiet and peaceful at the moment, despite all the turbulence that is going on all around the world.  The birds seem to be very vocal, presumably building nests and raising their young.  It said something on the TV about people who are now at home, noticing the wildlife that is all around us and which, we are not always aware of, as we are too busy getting on with our lives.  Perhaps that’s another positive that we can take from the situation that we now find ourselves in.

We had another outside coffee morning last week and another sing-song organised by my neighbour. We were all given a song sheet with the words to “over the rainbow” and we all joined in as best we could – wasn’t wonderful really, but it doesn’t really matter does it? My neighbour is a retired head mistress of a junior school and I think is quite used to organising things and I can just imagine her running her school with great efficiency!  We seem to have got to know one another much better since the virus struck, so that at least is a positive.”