Debbie’s Lockdown diary – Friday 3rd April – The sun’s back

Well, what a change – Snow on Wednesday and brilliant sunshine today. It’s currently 28º on my terrace.  I took advantage of the weather and did 2  loads of laundry first thing. It was still a bit chilly whilst I was hanging it out but it was so nice to see the blue sky. I have a slight sea view from my roof terrace and the sea looked so calm this morning – oh how I would have loved to walk along the promenade this morning. I stand there for a few minutes – it is so quiet – all I can hear are the birds as they sit on the rooftops opposite.

I come downstairs and remember that I need to renew my prescription (nothing serious.- just one medication that I need to take daily). Normally, we would have to visit the doctor to renew a prescription but, during this time, in order to avoid unnecessary contact, you can renew a prescription by phone ( 955 545 060 – for Andalucia) or by using the “Salud Responde” app. It’s very easy to use – simply download it and register yourself with your name, NIE and social security number.  To renew a prescription, you have to click on “pedir cita / Receta”. It brings up the calendar – I was able to get an “appointment” today. You leave your contact number and the doctor calls you back at some point during that day. I requested a callback at 8.30am and the doctor called me at 10.30am. The doctor has issued a new prescription for me and all I need to do now is go to the pharmacy, present my medical card and collect my medication. All very simple and efficient.

By 12.00 it is warming up nicely, so I pulled open the patio doors – the cats were out there in seconds

I wanted something different for lunch (fed up with sandwiches!) so I called my son (who’s a chef) and said ” I have some odd bits of pasta and 1 chicken breast – what can I do with it” He gave me some ideas and this is what I came up with.


Andy had a virtual lads night out yesterday so it’s my turn tonight with my girlfriends. Not sure how it will work as none of us really have an idea of how to do it but we’re going to give it a go.

Buen fin de semana – lets see what weekend 3 of lockdown brings