Shani’s lock down Diary – Tuesday 31st March – Wish I was an Octopus!

I am having one of those days where I wish I were an octopus – I need more arms! I have one hand on the keyboard setting out the layout for our new Hamilton Homes newsletter, the other is watching the stove as the chicken curry I am making for supper bubbles away.  I need to keep bouncing up to re-arrange Tália so that she can see her computer screen well and so that her teacher and classmates can see her on Hangouts – part of the homeschooling timetable.  The other arm would ideally be hanging the washing.  Additionally, the washing up has piled up and I am itching to disinfect the kitchen for the 50 millionth time this week.  As I just get the newsletter together, Tália decides it is reading time! She sits at my desk asking me to read with her!  So I sit with her – the problem is, I should be giving her her supper at this time … so I run from reading a page to stirring the supper to turning to the next page and sprinting back to serving the supper! Finally I am sat with her, reading and feeding her at the same time … do you think I could have one other arm?  I really fancy telling it to go and make me a cup of coffee!

Oxford Reading Tree - Talia reading with Mum


The great thing is, after his online seminar, Andrew takes over and puts Tália to bed.  This is so exciting for her as usually when he is out and about, he gets home after her bedtime.  He would make a great occupational therapist as he has loads of patience and teaches her step by step how to try and put on her own pajamas.  It took him 40 minutes to come down – Natasha and I were wondering what on earth had happened to him!

The evening is a lot calmer. We have a virtual drink with a friend in the UK and play Scattergories.  Tara joins in from her room. We are all so competitive, fighting for every point!  We are all strong characters sure that we are correct and each game is like a huge debate!  It is actually lots of fun!  These are the moments I will remember from Lockdown.

Tomorrow I can cuddle Tara…