Life guard course available in Manilva

As on previous years, Manilva’s youth department has organised a lifesaving and lifeguard course for anyone wishing to obtain this certificate. This year there is also a free course on how to use the defibralator DESA in the event of a heart attack.

Many of the older teenagers (16 and over) in the area do this course as, once competed, they can obtain jobs as lifeguards in the many community pools around the area during the summer holidays…


This year’s course will run on Saturdays and Sundays (allowing students can attend the course without if affecting their schooling) from 15th March to 4th May. Places are limited and will be allocated in order of application, with priority going to people registered on the Manilva Padron.  Closing date for applications in 10th March.

As well as this, there is a special one day course to be held on 10th May for anyone who needs to renew their certificate.

The cost of the course is the same as last year, €230 for the course or €60 for the renewal.

For more information  or to submit an application, visit the  edificio de Usos Múltiples in Sabinillas or the  Youth & Sports delegation next to the football field in Manilva or call 952891532.





Hasta el 10 de marzo, todas aquellas personas interesadas en realizar este curso de Socorrismo, tendrán la posibilidad de inscribirse, dando prioridad a los empadronados en Manilva.

El coste del mismo será de 230 euros.

En cuanto al curso de reciclaje se llevará a cabo el sábado 10 de mayo y el coste será de 60 €. El 5 de mayo finalizaré el plazo.

Para mayor información o inscripción pueden acercarse al, al aula de Guadalinfo o bien llamando al teléfono 952893490. También en la oficina de la delegación de Deportes, al lado del campo de fútbol las Viñas en Manilva o llamando al 952891532.

Ruiz considera que es una buena oportunidad para instruirse y ampliar las posibilidades laborales de cara a la época estival