4 day Puente Día de la Constitución and Día de Inmaculada Concepción

There are 2 important fiestas in Spain this weekend. Día de la Constitución on Friday 6th December and Día de Inmaculada Concepción on Sunday 8th December. We are all very lucky this year as the 8th falls on a Sunday, we get the Monday off as a holiday which means a 4 day holiday – or a “puente” as it is known here in Spain.

Here’s a brief history of the two fiestas:-

Día de la Constitución marks the anniversary of a referendum held in Spain on December 6, 1978. In this referendum, a new constitution was approved which became an important step in Spain’s transition to democracy following the death of Franco in 1975.  General elections were held in June 1977 and the  newly formed parliament started drew up a new constitution.  The Spanish Constitution of 1978 was approved by 88 percent of the people of Spain in a referendum on December 6, 1978.

Although for most of us, it means a day of work and school to spend as we wish, there are specific events in Madrid to mark the day. The parliamentary buildings are open to the general public for one or two days and a cocktail party is held in the parliamentary buildings on December 6.

There is a monument in Madrid to commemorate the constitution




Día de Inmaculada Concepción is a very holy day celebrating (Obviously) the Immaculate conception. Many families will attend church on this day – even more so this year as it falls on a Sunday and special masses are held.

The city of Seville is one of the best places to enjoy this fiesta with music and dancing filling the city streets.

On this dayla danza de  los seises or the ‘dance of six’, is performed by a group of ten choir boys dressed in 16th-century costume. The group performs an elaborate ritual of rhythmic dances and melodic songs, which are performed in front of the Gothic cathedral in Seville – an event which draws huge crowds.

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Although this is a highly religious feast, with the advancement of commercialism and many shops now allowed to open on bank holidays, many people use this holiday to do some Christmas shopping!!