School San Jose in Estepona

The school San Jose is in Estepona and its the best private school in Andalusia. It is 20 minutes away from Manilva.

The school is very nice and its full of gardens. It has a theatre where children do plays and occasionally watch movies because it is also a kind of projector, it has a large pool used by children when the summer approaches and in the summer schools, tennis courts and paddle courts and gyms.

It costs about 600 euros per month per person.

It has spectacular views because it is right in front of the beach on sunny days and sometimes you can see Africa very clearly.

The children in this school receive a great education and learn how to do many things from a very young age. The school has kindergarten, nursery, primary and secondary.

The food is very healthy: sometimes the cooks prepare lentils, soup, pasta, meat, fish, salad, chips, yogurt, fruit, jelly … The menu can be viewed on the school website. The meal consists of three courses. Before eating children can do other activities: piano, clarinet, violin, flamenco, tennis, paddle, karate …

Teachers and principals are very friendly and sociable people. They help children and prepare them in a very proper way.

In summer, the school has its own summer school where everyone has fun. The kids can choose the activities they want but they have swimming and games everyday.

In conclusion, if you want your child to have a good education send him to this school to learn a lot!

You can get more information about the school on their website: