Diá de la Familia – Family Day. Saturday 19th May

The foreign residents association of Manilva have organised a Family day this coming Saturday, 19th May. The event will take place in the new park – Parque del Huerto – in Castillo (this is where the old basketball pitch was)


There will be various activities for the children including face painting, bouncy castles, and games. The entertainment is includes a performance by the local choir, singing and Flamenco dancing from the two local dance schools – my daughter is dancing at 2pm…..and there are stands offering food and drink from various countries.

Here’s the full programme but please remember, all times are approximate..

12.15 Oppening
12.30 Municipal flamenco school of Manilva, teacher inmaculada Chacon
14.00 Dance & Flamenco school, teacher eva Cabrera
15.30 Singer Osvaldo from Venezuela
17.00 Performance of the “The Parasol Choir”
18.00 Youth music Band

The event is dependant on the weather…showers were forecast at the beginning of the week but it is looking better now so keep your fingers crossed.

I think we should all make the effort to support these events – if we don’t they will stop organising then…

For more information, contact the foreign residents association  in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa. The office is open from 8am until 3pm Monday to Friday.

Telephone: 952 893 548.

Email: extranjeros@ ayto-manilva.com