The Fiestas department have organised a trip to Tivoli world in Benalmedena on Sunday 4th May. The main purpose of the rip is to watch and support Manilva’s municipal dance school who’s pupils will be performing in the main square of the park at 12.30. Of course, you can also enjoy all the fabulous rides, activities and entertainment that the amusement park also provides…
The town hall will provide return transport at a cost of €5 per person. You pay for entrance and rides (get a tivolino wristband – works out much cheaper!) at the park itself. However, there are a limited number of reduced rate tickets available from the welfare department on 952 89 7060 or the fiestas department on 952 89 3838.
The bus will leave from the medical centre in Manilva at 11am picking up from Supersol in Sabinillas just after.