Here’s a trip for the “Young at heart” (I feel mean saying “oldies”!!).
The Manilva pensioners association have organised a trip to visit 3 beautiful towns in the province of Jaén. The towns to be visited are Cazorla, Úbeda and Baeza.
Cazorla is situated at the base of the Sierra de Cazorla and is the entry point to several national parks. The scenery around the town is stunning and there are several Moorish monuments to visit.
Úbeda and Baeza are neighboring towns both famed for their many renaissance style buildings and churches, so much so that both towns have been named as World Heritage sites. One of the most famous monuments in Ubeda is the Vázquez de Molina Square, which is surrounded by stunning architecture.

The trip will be over 3 days, from Friday 31st May to Sunday 2nd June. The price is €150 per person which includes return transport, 2 night accommodation in a 3 or 4 star hotel on a full board basis, travel insurance and guided excursions.
Anyone interested should contact the pensioners association on 617 594 196.